
How To Prepare In The Cone Of Uncertainty 

Storms are unpredictable and can cause devastating property damage and even loss of life. For people living in areas like Southwest Florida where hurricanes are quite common, it becomes vital to know how to prepare when your home falls within the “cone of uncertainty.” 

While the cone represents the projected path of a hurricane, the exact path may be uncertain and the storm can still move outside this cone. Thus, it becomes important to stay prepared even if your home doesn’t come directly in the projected path. Let’s explore how you can stay safe and protect your home and loved ones.

Start with a Hurricane Plan

The best way to prepare for a storm is by creating a comprehensive hurricane plan. The plan should include details like safe evacuation routes that can be used to leave your home during an emergency. You must find some nearby shelters where you can stay if you have to evacuate.

You should also decide how you will communicate with your family in such circumstances and have a meeting point to gather at in case you get separated. Plus, keep an emergency kit stocked with essential items like water, packaged food items, first-aid supplies, batteries, flashlights, etc.

Secure Your Home

Hurricanes are typically accompanied by harsh winds and flying debris, these weather conditions can cause severe damage to your home which is why it becomes crucial to protect your home. Overgrown trees should be properly trimmed and pruned so that weak branches don’t fall and cause property damage during the storm. 

Having hurricane shutters installed on your windows can provide you with comprehensive protection against flying debris and strong winds. You must get your roof checked by a professional before hurricane season begins to ensure that no loose tiles come off during the storm and cause water seepage in your home. Plus, outdoor furniture, planters and any other loose items must be secured so that they don’t turn into dangerous projectiles during strong winds.

Monitor Weather Updates

Stay informed by regularly following weather updates from a reliable source. As weather can change rapidly, it is vital to keep up with the latest weather forecasts and advisories from authorities to stay safe. This will allow you to make necessary preparations and decisions about whether to stay put or evacuate.

Prepare for Power Outages

During storms, power outages are quite common, this is why it’s important to have your devices charged at all times. Usually, warnings about hurricanes come a few days prior so you should take this time to charge your portable charger and other devices. 

Stocking up on supplies like matches, battery operated lights and battery-operated radios can help you communicate and walk in your home safely in the dark. To avoid food spoilage, you should use up perishable food items before the hurricane strikes and keep a supply of non-perishable food items and water.

Review Your Insurance Coverage

Before storm season, you should thoroughly review your insurance policy to ensure it provides adequate storm damage coverage. Usually, standard homeowner’s insurance does not provide coverage for flood damage but as flooding happens often during storms, it becomes vital to add flood insurance if you don’t already have it. You should also properly document your belongings by taking photos and videos to make the claims process easier if you need to file for damages.

At Rosier Insurance, we offer comprehensive hurricane insurance in Bonita Springs, Naples, and Sanibel, FL to help you protect what matters most. Get in touch with us today to ensure your insurance coverage is up-to-date and adequate for hurricane season. Our skilled team can assist you in exploring insurance policy options so that you can opt for insurance that provides reliable protection and fits your needs.


How To Insure Collectibles/One-of-a-kind Items

Many people have a passion for owning collectibles and one-of-a-kind items, they like to collect items like rare art, antique jewelry, vintage cars, or precious heirlooms. As these items hold great personal and financial value, it becomes vital to insure them. By insuring items although you won’t get the exact item back if something were to happen to it, you can get compensation for it. Let’s understand the process of insuring collectibles.

Understanding the Value

Before going for insurance it’s important to first understand the value of your collectibles. The value of collectibles can fluctuate a lot over time, their prices can be influenced by factors such as market trends, rarity and condition. For example, the value of a rare coin may appreciate over time but the value of a piece of contemporary art might fluctuate based on the artist’s fame.

This is why you must get your items appraised by a certified professional so that they can appraise the item and give you an accurate valuation. In addition, you must also keep detailed records of your items such as purchase receipts, photographs and certificates of authenticity. This documentation is important for both the appraisal process as well as for any future insurance claims.

Value can be categorized based on different qualifications. While insuring collectibles you’ll have to choose between agreed value, replacement cost, and actual cash value policies.

Agreed Value: In this policy, you and the insurer agree on the value of the item when the policy is purchased. If you make a claim in the future you will receive only the agreed amount and not the then market value of the item.

Replacement Cost: This policy covers the cost of replacing the item with something of similar value and quality. Although you won’t get the exact item back, you will receive compensation for purchasing a replacement.

Actual Cash Value: Items with this coverage are valued with depreciation considered. For instance, an antique vase might be valued higher with an agreed value. Actual cash value, the item is covered based on what it is, with value depreciated over time, much like a used car. 

Types of Insurance Coverage

After getting an accurate valuation of your items, the next step is to select the right type of insurance. Here are some of the available options:

Homeowners Insurance Rider:  The standard homeowner’s insurance policies usually offer only limited coverage for collectibles. This coverage often has low limits and may not cover the full value of high-end items. To keep your valuable items protected you can add a rider specifically for collectibles in your homeowner’s policy. 

Standalone Collectibles Insurance: For individuals with extensive collections, standalone collectibles insurance may be the best option. This kind of insurance covers valuable items and provides broader protection by covering a wide range of risks like theft, fire, water damage and even accidental breakage.

Tips for Insuring Your Collectibles

Here are some tips that you must keep in mind while insuring your collectibles:

  • Regularly Update Appraisals: As the value of collectibles can fluctuate over time, it’s important to get them reappraised periodically to ensure that your insurance coverage reflects the current value of your items.
  • Review Your Policy Annually: Just like any other insurance policy, it’s vital to review the policy of your collectibles annually to ensure that it meets your needs. Doing this refreshes your memory about what is covered by the policy. Plus, if the value of your existing collection has changed you can also get it updated accordingly.
  • Consider Security Measures: Some insurance companies offer discounts if you take extra security measures by installing alarm systems or using a secure storage facility. This not only helps in protecting your items but also reduces your insurance premium.

While you can’t replace the sentimental value of a lost or damaged item, having the right insurance coverage ensures you’re financially protected. Get in touch with Rosier Insurance, today to find out how our collectible insurance in Bonita Springs, FL can help safeguard your prized possessions.